LOCORO, Angela
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
AS - Asia 316
NA - Nord America 218
EU - Europa 158
SA - Sud America 4
AF - Africa 2
OC - Oceania 2
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 701
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 216
HK - Hong Kong 163
SG - Singapore 84
CN - Cina 62
IT - Italia 57
DE - Germania 27
UA - Ucraina 18
FI - Finlandia 17
GB - Regno Unito 16
IE - Irlanda 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
FR - Francia 3
JP - Giappone 3
AT - Austria 2
BR - Brasile 2
CA - Canada 2
CH - Svizzera 2
CO - Colombia 2
GR - Grecia 2
RU - Federazione Russa 2
SE - Svezia 2
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AU - Australia 1
BE - Belgio 1
EU - Europa 1
IN - India 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
TR - Turchia 1
Totale 701
Città #
Hong Kong 162
Singapore 55
New York 34
Ann Arbor 26
Beijing 26
Chandler 22
Helsinki 16
Shanghai 16
Woodbridge 16
Jacksonville 15
Cambridge 11
Dearborn 10
Fairfield 10
Houston 9
Nanjing 9
Brescia 8
Wilmington 7
Ashburn 6
Genoa 6
London 6
Munich 6
Princeton 6
Cinisello Balsamo 5
Dublin 5
Milan 5
Atlanta 4
Brno 4
Florence 4
Seattle 4
Turin 4
Vaprio d'Adda 4
Sanremo 3
Tokyo 3
Acton 2
Cesena 2
Dalian 2
Durban 2
Hamburg 2
Kilburn 2
Lugano 2
Martignana di Po 2
Medellín 2
Monte Urano 2
Montichiari 2
North Bergen 2
Prescot 2
Rio Branco 2
Shenyang 2
Thessaloniki 2
Tianjin 2
Berlin 1
Boardman 1
Brussels 1
Changsha 1
Como 1
Corteno Golgi 1
Des Moines 1
Giussano 1
Guangzhou 1
Hamilton 1
Hockessin 1
Jinan 1
Jinhua 1
Kemerovo 1
Kocaeli 1
Lappeenranta 1
Los Angeles 1
Mazzano 1
Melbourne 1
Montreal 1
Nanchang 1
North York 1
Nuremberg 1
Paris 1
Pune 1
Rome 1
San Francisco 1
Southwark 1
Springfield 1
Varese 1
Verona 1
Vienna 1
Westminster 1
Totale 594
Nome #
Virtual patients for knowledge sharing and clinical practice training: A gamified approach 101
CEUR Workshop Proceedings: Preface 73
Valuable visualization of healthcare information: From the quantified self data to conversations 55
A Multi-Modal Approach to Creating Routines for Smart Speakers 22
Bridging Objective and Subjective Evaluations in Data Visualization: A Crossover Experiment 19
Exploring the Role of End Users in Performing EUD with Large Language Models 17
EUDability: A new construct at the intersection of End-User Development and Computational Thinking 16
Using Locally Weighted Regression to Estimate the Functional Size of Software: a Preliminary Study 16
Creating Routines for IoT Ecosystems through Conversation with Smart Speakers 13
A map is worth a thousand data: Requirements in tertiary human-data interaction to foster participation 13
VVH 2016: Valuable Visualization of Healthcare information: from the quantified self data to conversations: proceedings of the Workshop on Valuable Visualization of Healthcare information: from the quantified self data to conversations co-located with the 2016 International working conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2016), Bari, Italy, June 7th, 2016 12
Exploiting Prolog and NLP Techniques for Matching Ontologies and for Repairing Correspondences 11
"Made with Knowledge": reporting a qualitative literature review on the concept of the IT knowledge artifact 11
Ontologica: exploiting ontologies and natural language for representing and querying railway management logics 10
Automatic ontology matching via upper ontologies: A systematic evaluation 9
Context-based matching: design of a flexible framework and experiment 9
Data-imagined decision making in organizations: do visualization tools run in the family? 9
"You cannot grow viscum on soil": the "good" corporate social media also fail 9
You cannot grow viscum on soil : the "good " corporate social media also fail 8
3D printing objects as knowledge artifacts for a do-it-yourself approach in clinical practice: A questionnaire-based user study in the orthopaedics domain 8
Interacting with More Than One Chart: What Is It All About? 8
Designing for a Sustainable Digital Transformation: The DEA Methodology 8
A correspondence repair algorithm based on word sense disambiguation and upper ontologies 8
Making open data more personal through a social value perspective: a methodological approach 8
Putting open data to the test of life: conceptual schemas as a means to compare and measure social value 7
IGV short scale to assess implicit value of visualizations through explicit interaction 7
Visual information literacy: definition, construct modelling and assessment 7
The knowledge-stream model: a comprehensive model for knowledge circulation in communities of knowledgeable practitioners 7
Estimating Software Functional Size via Machine Learning 7
Exploiting the collective knowledge of communities of experts: The case of conference ranking 7
Ontologica: exploiting ontologies and natural language for railway management: design, implementation and usage examples 7
The Italian academic research system and its evaluation: a conceptual framework inception 7
Static and interactive infographics in daily tasks: a value-in-use and quality of interaction user study 7
“Made with knowledge”: Reporting a qualitative literature review on the concept of the it knowledge artifact 7
Moving western neighborliness to east a study on local exchange in Bangladesh 7
Sensitivity to initial conditions in agent-based models 7
Digital Metamorphosis Competencies as a Human-Centric Approach to Digital Transformation: An Instrumental Collective Case Research 7
Towards the Unification of Computational Thinking and EUDability: Two Cases from Healthcare 7
The Indiana MAS project: Goals and preliminary results 7
Digital transformation projects maturity and managerial competences: a model and its preliminary assessment 6
Reporting some marginal discourses to root a de-design approach in IS development 6
Análisis de Opiniones con Ontologías (Analysis of Opinions using Ontologies) 6
Human-data interaction in healthcare 6
Mapping the knowledge artifact terrain: a quantitative resource for qualitative research 6
Ontology agents in FIPA-compliant platforms: A survey and a new proposal 6
Between form and perform: the knowledge artifact in organizations and IT design 6
More time for the doing, having made the thinking 3D printing for knowledge circulation in healthcare 6
A fil di dato: valore e comunicazione dell'informazione al tempo dello human-data interaction design 6
From Care for Design to Becoming Matters: New perspectives for the development of socio-technical systems 6
Defining positioning in a core ontology for robotics 5
Repetita iuvant: exploring and supporting redundancy in hospital practices 5
MANENT: An infrastructure for integrating, structuring and searching digital libraries 5
A holonic multi-agent system for sketch, image and text interpretation in the rock art domain 5
Interactive summaries by multi- pole information extraction for the archaeological domain 5
Semantic Annotation and Tagging in the KP-LAB environment: mining the learning and knowledge dynamics 5
Tagging ontologies with fuzzy WordNet Domains 5
Trattamento del linguaggio naturale tramite Prolog: un approccio promettente per generare istituzioni virtuali da testi scritti 5
BOwL: Exploiting Boolean operators and lesk algorithm for linking ontologies 5
Time accounting system: Validating a socio-technical solution for service exchange in local communities 5
"Made with knowledge": Disentangling the IT Knowledge Artifact by a qualitative literature review 5
Towards a core ontology for robotics and automation 5
Should the culture of participation inform a new ethics of design? 5
Representable AI: Towards a Unified View of Core Dimensions for a Visual Framework 5
Machine learning in orthopedics: a literature review 5
Modelling data visualization interactions: from semiotics to pragmatics and back to humans 5
A User Study to Assess the Situated Social Value of Open Data in Healthcare 5
Two sides of a coin: translate while classify multilanguage annotations with domain ontology-driven word sense disambiguation 5
Trading off between control and autonomy: a narrative review around de-design 4
Tecno-ecologie di genere: gli studi femminili su informatica, organizzazioni e design delle tecnologie 4
Is making the new knowing? Tangible and intangible knowledge artifacts in DiDIY 4
NLP and Ontology Matching - A Successful Combination for Trialogical Learning 4
Probing interactivity in open data for general practice: an evidence-based approach 4
The elephant in the record: on the multiplicity of data recording work 4
Human-data interaction in healthcare: acknowledging use-related chasms to design for a better health information 4
No More Throw-away ‘Elderly' People: Building a New Image of Ageing via a Time Accounting System 4
No more throw-away 'Elderly' people: building a new image of ageing via a time accounting system 4
MUSE: MUltilinguality and SEmantics for the citizens of the world 4
Assessing communality in web-based communities: the case of spaghetti open data 4
Evolving and validating annotations in web-based collaborative environments through ontology matching 4
Questionnaires in the design and evaluation of community-oriented technologies 3
When you doubt, abstain: From misclassification to epoché in automatic text categorisation 3
Managing unavailabilities in a dynamic scenario following an agent-based approach 3
The CIO and CDO socio-technical roles in the age of digital business transformation: an interpretive study 3
The Knowledge-Stream Model A comprehensive model for knowledge circulation in communities of knowledgeable practitioners 3
Exploiting collective knowledge with three-way decision theory: Cases from the questionnaire-based research 2
Totale 793
Categoria #
all - tutte 14.478
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 14.478

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202047 0 0 1 3 2 17 7 5 2 6 0 4
2020/202129 0 4 1 4 0 4 0 3 3 5 3 2
2021/202223 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 4 2 2 2 6
2022/2023130 3 0 1 7 2 12 0 10 6 1 3 85
2023/2024448 3 9 21 29 9 43 28 15 172 4 10 105
2024/202532 17 14 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 793