Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
Accesso alla giustizia nella prassi del meccanismo di compliance della Convenzione di Aarhus
2011-01-01 Romanin Jacur, F
An Assessment of the CDM: Lessons Learned and the Way Forward
2009-01-01 Romanin Jacur, F
Buzzati Giulio Cesare
2012-01-01 ROMANIN JACUR, Francesca
Concluding Observations
2017-01-01 Romanin Jacur, F.; Bonfanti, A.; Seatzu, F.
Controlling and Assisting Compliance : Financial Aspects
2009-01-01 Romanin Jacur, F.
Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer 1985 (Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer)
2017-01-01 ROMANIN JACUR, Francesca
Corporate social responsibility in recent bilateral and regional free trade agreements: An early assessment
2018-01-01 Romanin Jacur, F.
DNAs Experience in the Western Balkans: the Republic of Macedonia
2009-01-01 Romanin Jacur, F
El acuerdo de París sobre cambio climático: un tratado con muchos matices
2017-01-01 ROMANIN JACUR, Francesca
Energy from the Sea and the Protection of the Marine Environment : Treaty-Based Regimes and Ocean Corporate Social Responsibility
2014-01-01 Bonfanti, A.; Romanin Jacur, F.
Energy from the Sea and the Protection of the Marine Environment: Treaty-Based Regimes and Ocean Corporate Social Responsibility
2015-01-01 Bonfanti, A.; Romanin Jacur, F.
Environmental Protection in Trans-Atlantic (CETA) and North-Atlantic (USMCA) Megaregional Agreements: Towards Greater Integration and Regulatory Convergence
2021-01-01 ROMANIN JACUR, Francesca
Formalism and Law-making in Ocean Governance: Limits and Challenges
2020-01-01 Romanin Jacur, F.
Il diritto internazionale e dell’Unione europea di fronte alla pandemia da Covid-19
2020-01-01 ROMANIN JACUR, Francesca; Lazzaroni, Marta
Il mercato del carbonio
2008-01-01 Romanin Jacur, F.
Immunité de la juridiction civile pour actes iure imperii
2006-01-01 ROMANIN JACUR, F
La due diligence obligatoire des entreprises en matière de respect de droit de l’homme et de l’environnement dans les chaînes d’approvisionnement mondiales : Réflexions à la croisée du droit international public et privé
2023-01-01 ROMANIN JACUR, Francesca
La tutela dei diritti umani lungo le catene transnazionali del valore, tra strumenti privatistici volontari e normative statali sulla diligenza obbligatoria
2024-01-01 ROMANIN JACUR, Francesca
Les Conférences des Parties des conventions internationales de protection de l’environnement en droit international général
2011-01-01 Romanin Jacur, F
Lights and shadows in the relationship between international law and sustainable investments : the challenges of ‘natural resources grabbing’ and their effects on State sovereignty
2015-01-01 Romanin Jacur, F.