Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 557
EU - Europa 354
AS - Asia 165
OC - Oceania 3
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
AF - Africa 1
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 1.083
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 553
PL - Polonia 120
IT - Italia 88
CN - Cina 71
SG - Singapore 37
DE - Germania 33
UA - Ucraina 33
HK - Hong Kong 24
FI - Finlandia 22
FR - Francia 13
TR - Turchia 13
RU - Federazione Russa 12
VN - Vietnam 12
GB - Regno Unito 11
IE - Irlanda 10
SE - Svezia 8
CA - Canada 4
AU - Australia 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
ID - Indonesia 3
IN - India 3
EU - Europa 2
BR - Brasile 1
IR - Iran 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
MU - Mauritius 1
Totale 1.083
Città #
Warsaw 120
Fairfield 84
Chandler 46
Woodbridge 44
Seattle 42
Ashburn 39
Houston 38
Cambridge 34
Singapore 32
Brescia 31
Jacksonville 28
Wilmington 27
Hong Kong 24
Helsinki 22
Princeton 22
Dong Ket 12
Istanbul 11
Ann Arbor 10
Beijing 10
Dearborn 10
Dublin 10
New York 10
Shanghai 10
Nanjing 8
Des Moines 6
Moscow 6
San Diego 6
Shenyang 6
Cagliari 5
Changsha 5
Mascalucia 5
Nanchang 4
Rome 4
San Mateo 4
West Jordan 4
Jakarta 3
London 3
Melbourne 3
Montague 3
Pune 3
San Francisco 3
Brembilla 2
Brno 2
Castelfranci 2
Cesena 2
Falkenstein 2
Hebei 2
Jinan 2
Lazise 2
Milan 2
Ningbo 2
North York 2
Norwalk 2
Phoenix 2
Romola 2
Santa Clara 2
Toronto 2
Ancona 1
Ardabil 1
Bishkek 1
Brooklyn 1
Castelraimondo 1
Dallas 1
Gatchina 1
Guangzhou 1
Guiyang 1
Gunzenhausen 1
Hangzhou 1
Hanover 1
Jiaxing 1
Kocaeli 1
Kunming 1
Leawood 1
Lormont 1
Los Angeles 1
Mountain View 1
Munich 1
Olomouc 1
Perm 1
Prescot 1
Redwood City 1
Sankt Augustin 1
São Paulo 1
Taiyuan 1
Zhengzhou 1
Totale 857
Nome #
Gamma-oryzanol prevents LPS-induced brain inflammation and cognitive impairment in adult mice 226
y-Oryzanol improves cognitive function and modulates hippocampal proteome in mice 203
Zeolite clinoptilolite: Therapeutic virtues of an ancient mineral 122
Cannabidiol: Recent advances and new insights for neuropsychiatric disorders treatment 117
Specific profile of ultrasonic communication in a mouse model of neurodevelopmental disorders 104
Cannabimimetic plants: are they new cannabinoidergic modulators? 98
Brain structural and functional alterations in mice prenatally exposed to lps are only partially rescued by anti-inflammatory treatment 55
Role of Maternal Immune Activation in Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Possible Pharmacological Treatment 46
Methylglyoxal affects cognitive behaviour and modulates RAGE and Presenilin-1 expression in hippocampus of aged mice 42
Prosocial Effects of Nonpsychotropic Cannabis sativa in Mice 39
Role of melatonin in autism spectrum disorders in a male murine transgenic model: Study in the prefrontal cortex 33
Cannabis Sativa Oil Promotes Social Interaction and Ultrasonic Communication by Acting on Oxytocin Pathway 22
Totale 1.107
Categoria #
all - tutte 5.811
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 5.811

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020237 0 0 0 0 0 53 40 45 35 35 14 15
2020/2021213 8 18 6 26 12 21 10 17 21 24 33 17
2021/2022135 10 16 22 7 1 6 7 12 2 12 14 26
2022/2023123 20 7 9 4 10 26 1 9 20 1 6 10
2023/2024137 9 3 7 13 10 20 7 10 28 7 1 22
2024/202594 2 0 4 48 22 18 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.107