Dipartimento di Economia e Management
Back to Kyoto? US Participation and the Linkage between R&D and Climate Cooperation
2004-01-01 Buchner, Barbara; Carraro, Carlo; Marchiori, Carmen
Bargaining and Devolution in the Upper Guadiana Basin
2012-01-01 Marchiori, Carmen; STRATTON SAYRE, Susan; Simon, Leo
Concern for Fairness and Incentives in Water Negotiations
2010-01-01 Marchiori, Carmen
Costs and benefits of contaminated site remediation and urban regeneration: an ex-post analysis
2021-01-01 Vaccari, M.; Benassi, L.; Richiedei, A.; Gibellini, S.; Marchiori, C.; Collivignarelli, C.
Domestic Politics and the Formation of International Environmental Agreements
2017-01-01 Marchiori, Carmen; Dietz, Simon; Tavoni, Alessandro
Endogenous Minimum Participation in International Environmental Treaties
2009-01-01 Carraro, Carlo; Marchiori, Carmen; Oreffice, Sonia
Endogenous Strategic Issue Linkage in Climate Change Negotiations
2004-01-01 Carraro, Carlo; Marchiori, Carmen
Inequality and Rules in the Governance of Water Resources
2014-01-01 Marchiori, Carmen
Issue linkage
2022-01-01 Currarini, Sergio; Marchiori, Carmen
Lifestyle taxes in the presence of profit-shifting
2022-01-01 Levaggi, Rosella; Marchiori, Carmen; Panteghini, Paolo
Monitoring and punishment networks in an experimental common pool resource dilemma
2019-01-01 Shreedhar, G.; Tavoni, A.; Marchiori, C.
Negotiating on Water: Insights from Non-Cooperative Bargaining Theory
2007-01-01 Carraro, Carlo; Marchiori, Carmen; Sgobbi, Alessandra
Network Economics and the Environment: Insights and Perspectives
2016-01-01 Currarini, Sergio; Marchiori, Carmen; Tavoni, Alessandro
On the Implementation and Performance of Water Rights Buy-Back Schemes
2012-01-01 Marchiori, Carmen; Stratton, Sayre; Susan, Simon; Leo,
Promoting Groundwater Reform in the Guadiana Basin
2008-01-01 STRATTON SAYRE, Susan; Simon, Leo; Marchiori, Carmen
Reallocating Water: An Application of Sequential Sharing Rules to Cyprus
2015-01-01 Ansink, Erik; Marchiori, Carmen
Stable Coalitions
2003-01-01 Carraro, Carlo; Marchiori, Carmen
Talent, basic research and growth
2023-01-01 Marchiori, Carmen; Minelli, Enrico
Waste-to-Energy and recycling: The role of plant ownership and waste mobility
2022-01-01 Levaggi, Laura; Levaggi, Rosella; Marchiori, Carmen; Trecroci, Carmine
Waste-to-energy in the EU: The effects of plant ownership, waste mobility, and decentralization on environmental outcomes and welfare
2020-01-01 Levaggi, L.; Levaggi, R.; Marchiori, C.; Trecroci, C.