Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Architettura, Territorio, Ambiente e di Matematica
$Gamma$-limit of periodic obstacles. Special issue dedicated to Antonio Avantaggiati on the occasion of his 70th birthday
2001-01-01 DAL MASO, Gianni; Trebeschi, Paola
A density result for Sobolev spaces in dimension two, and applications to stability of nonlinear Neumann problems
2007-01-01 Giacomini, Alessandro; Trebeschi, Paola
A global existence result in Sobolev spaces for MHD system in the half-plane
2002-01-01 Casella, Emanuela; Trebeschi, Paola
A new relaxation space for obstacles.
2003-01-01 Bucur, Dorin; Trebeschi, Paola
A priori estimates for 3D incompressible current-vortex sheets
2012-01-01 Coulombel Jean, Francois; Morando, Alessandro; Secchi, Paolo; Trebeschi, Paola
An existence result for optimal obstacles.
1999-01-01 Bucur, Dorin; Buttazzo, Giuseppe; Trebeschi, Paola
Approximate current-vortex sheets near the onset of instability
2016-01-01 Morando, Alessandro; Secchi, Paolo; Trebeschi, Paola
Best constant in Poincaré inequalities with traces: A free discontinuity approach
2019-01-01 Bucur, D.; Giacomini, A.; Trebeschi, P.
Characteristic initial boundary value problems for symmetrizable systems
2009-01-01 Morando, Alessandro; Secchi, Paolo; Trebeschi, Paola
Data dependence of approximate current-vortex sheets near the onset of instability.
2017-01-01 Morando, Alessandro; Secchi, Paolo; Trebeschi, Paola
Esistenza di soluzioni in problemi di ottimizzazione di forma e ostacoli.
1999-01-01 Trebeschi, Paola
Existence of approximate current-vortex sheets near the onset of instability
2017-01-01 Morando, Alessandro; Secchi, Paolo; Trebeschi, Paola
Exterior problem for the two-dimensional compressible Euler equation
2003-01-01 Casella, E; Trebeschi, Paola
Global attractor for the Navier–Stokes equations with fractional deconvolution
2015-01-01 Catania, Davide; Morando, Alessandro; Trebeschi, Paola
Global classical solutions for MHD system
2003-01-01 Casella, Emanuela; Secchi, Paolo; Trebeschi, Paola
Global existence of 2D slightly compressible viscous magneto-fluid motion
2002-01-01 Casella, E.; Secchi, Paolo; Trebeschi, Paola
Hyperbolic problems with characteristic boundary
2009-01-01 Secchi, Paolo; Morando, Alessandro; Trebeschi, Paola
Local Existence of 2D Compressible Current-Vortex Sheets
2024-01-01 Morando, Alessandro; Secchi, Paolo; Trebeschi, Paola; Yuan, Difan
Local Existence of MHD Contact Discontinuities
2018-01-01 Morando, Alessandro; Trakhinin, Yuri; Trebeschi, Paola
L∞ bounds of Steklov eigenfunctions and spectrum stability under domain variation
2020-01-01 Bucur, D.; Giacomini, A.; Trebeschi, P.