Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Industriale
Adaptive Impedance Controller for Human-Robot Arbitration based on Cooperative Differential Game Theory
2022-01-01 Franceschi, P.; Pedrocchi, N.; Beschi, M.
Human modeling, Game Theory, and Role Arbitration for physical Human-Robot Interaction
2024-04-03 Franceschi, Paolo
Human Preferences' Optimization in pHRI Collaborative Tasks
2023-01-01 Franceschi, P.; Maccarini, M.; Piga, D.; Beschi, M.; Roveda, L.
Human–Robot Role Arbitration via Differential Game Theory
2023-01-01 Franceschi, P.; Pedrocchi, N.; Beschi, M.
Identification of human control law during physical Human–Robot Interaction
2023-01-01 Franceschi, P.; Pedrocchi, N.; Beschi, M.
Inverse Optimal Control for the identification of human objective: a preparatory study for physical Human-Robot Interaction
2022-01-01 Franceschi, P.; Pedrocchi, N.; Beschi, M.
Learning Human Motion Intention for pHRI Assistive Control
2023-01-01 Franceschi, P.; Bertini, F.; Braghin, F.; Roveda, L.; Pedrocchi, N.; Beschi, M.
Modeling and Analysis of pHRI with Differential Game Theory
2023-01-01 Franceschi, P.; Beschi, M.; Pedrocchi, N.; Valente, A.
Optimal design of robotic work-cell through hierarchical manipulability maximization
2022-01-01 Franceschi, P.; Mutti, S.; Pedrocchi, N.