MORANDI, Alessandro

MORANDI, Alessandro  

Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche e Sperimentali  

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"Delirium Day": A nationwide point prevalence study of delirium in older hospitalized patients using an easy standardized diagnostic tool 1-gen-2016 Bellelli, Giuseppe; Morandi, Alessandro; Di Santo, Simona G.; Mazzone, Andrea; Cherubini, Antonio; Mossello, Enrico; Bo, Mario; Bianchetti, Angelo; Rozzini, Renzo; Zanetti, Ermellina; Musicco, Massimo; Ferrari, Alberto; Ferrara, Nicola; Trabucchi, MARCO MARIO; Boffelli, Stefano; Stefano, Fabio Di; Filippi, Francesco De; Guerini, Fabio; Bertoletti, Erik; March, Albert; Margiotta, Alessandro; Mecocci, Patrizia; Addesi, Desireè; Fantò, Fausto; Dijik, Babette; Porrino, Paola; Cotroneo, Antonino Maria; Galli, Giovanni; Bruni, Amalia Cecilia; Bernardini, Bruno; Corsini, Carla; Cagnin, Annachiara; Zurlo, Amedeo; Barbagallo, Giuseppe; Lunardelli, Maria Lia; Martini, Emilio; Battaglia, Giuseppe; Latella, Raffaele; Petritola, Donatella; Sinforiani, Elena; Cester, Alberto; Formilan, Marino; Carbone, Pasqualina; Appollonio, Ildebrando; Cereda, Diletta; Tremolizzo, Lucio; Bottacchi, Edo; Lucchetti, Lucio; Mariani, Claudio; Rapazzini, Piero; Romanelli, Giuseppe; Marengoni, Alessandra; Zuliani, Giovanni; Bianchi, Lara; Suardi, Teresa; Muti, Ettore; Bottura, Renato; Sgrò, Giovanni; Mandas, Antonella; Serchisu, Luca; Crippa, Patrizia; Ivaldi, Claudio; Ungar, Andrea; Villani, Daniele; Raimondi, Clara; Mussi, Chiara; Isaia, Giancarlo; Provenzano, Giuseppe; Mari, Daniela; Odetti, Patrizio; Monacelli, Fiammetta; Incalzi, Raffaele Antonelli; Pluderi, Alice; Bellamoli, Claudio; Terranova, Luciano; Scarpini, Elio; D'Amico, Ferdinando; Cavallini, Maria Chiara; Guerrini, Gianbattista; Scotuzzi, Anna Maria; Chiarello, Antonino; Pilotto, Alberto; Tognini, Sara; Dell'Aquila, Giuseppina; Toigo, Gabriele; Ceschia, Giuliano; Piccinini, Maristella; Fabbo, Andrea; Zoli, Marco; Forti, Paola; Wenter, Christian; Basile, Giorgio; Lasagni, Anna; Padovani, Alessandro; Rozzini, Luca; Cottino, Maria; Vitali, Silvia; Tripi, Gabriele; Avanzi, Stefano; Annoni, Giorgio; Ruotolo, Giovanni; Boschi, Federica; Bonino, Paolo; Marchionni, Niccolo; Fascendini, Sara; Noro, Gabriele; Turco, Renato; Ubezio, Maria C.; Serrati, Carlo; Infante, Maria; Gentile, Simona; Pernigotti, Luigi M.; Biagini, Carlo A.; Canonico, Enzo; Bonati, Pietro; Gareri, Pietro; Caffarra, Paolo; Ceretti, Arcangelo; Castiglia, Rosanna; Gabelli, Carlo; Storto, Mario Lo; Putzu, Paolo; Santo, Simona Di
A two-year multicenter point prevalence study of older patients with hip fractures admitted to rehabilitation units in Italy 1-gen-2020 Guerzoni, V.; Lanzoni, A.; Pozzi, C.; Paci, M.; Gatti, R.; Benedetti, M. G.; Gentile, S.; Trabucchi, M.; Bellelli, G.; Morandi, A.
A world-wide study on delirium assessments and presence of protocols 1-gen-2024 Nydahl, Peter; Liu, Keibun; Bellelli, Giuseppe; Benbenishty, Julie; van den Boogaard, Mark; Caplan, Gideon; Chung, Chi Ryang; Elhadi, Muhammed; Gurjar, Mohan; Heras-La Calle, Gabi; Hoffmann, Magdalena; Jeitziner, Marie-Madlen; Krewulak, Karla; Mailhot, Tanya; Morandi, Alessandro; Nawa, Ricardo Kenji; Oh, Esther S; Collet, Marie O; Paulino, Maria Carolina; Lindroth, Heidi; von Haken, Rebecca; Null, Null
Activity-based occupational therapy intervention for delirium superimposed on dementia in nursing home setting: a feasibility study 1-gen-2020 Pozzi, C.; Lanzoni, A.; Lucchi, E.; Salimbeni, I.; Devreese, L. P.; Bellelli, G.; Fabbo, A.; Morandi, A.
Advances in sedation for critically ill patients. 1-gen-2009 Morandi, A; Watson, P. L.; Trabucchi, M; E. Wesley, Ely.
Anticipating ICU discharge and long-term follow-up 1-gen-2024 Rosa, Regis Goulart; Teixeira, Cassiano; Piva, Simone; Morandi, Alessandro
Are you Ernest Shackleton, the polar explorer? Refining the criteria for delirium and brain dysfunction in sepsis 1-gen-2017 Rasulo, Frank Anthony; Bellelli, Giuseppe; Ely, Eugene Wesley; Morandi, Alessandro; Pandharipande, Pratik; Latronico, Nicola
Assessment of the Incremental Diagnostic Value of Florbetapir F 18 Imaging in Patients With Cognitive Impairment: The Incremental Diagnostic Value of Amyloid PET With [18F]-Florbetapir (INDIA-FBP) Study. 1-gen-2016 Boccardi, M; Altomare, D; Ferrari, C; Festari, C; Guerra, Up; Paghera, B; Pizzocaro, C; Lussignoli, G; Geroldi, C; Zanetti, O; Cotelli, Ms; Turla, M; Borroni, Barbara; Rozzini, Luca; Mirabile, D; Defanti, C; Gennuso, M; Prelle, A; Gentile, S; Morandi, A; Vollaro, S; Volta, Gd; Bianchetti, A; Conti, Mz; Cappuccio, M; Carbone, P; Bellandi, D; Abruzzi, L; Bettoni, L; Villani, D; Raimondi, Mc; Lanari, A; Ciccone, A; Facchi, E; Di Fazio, I; Rozzini, R; Boffelli, S; Manzoni, L; Salvi, Gp; Cavaliere, S; Belotti, G; Avanzi, S; Pasqualetti, P; Muscio, C; Padovani, Alessandro; Frisoni, Gb
Association between Endothelial Dysfunction and Acute Brain Dysfunction during Critical Illness. 1-gen-2013 Hughes, C. G.; Morandi, A; Girard, T. D.; Riedel, B; Thompson, J. L.; Shintani, S. K.; Pun, B. T.; Ely, E. W.; Pandharipande, P. P.
Association between statin use at admission to inpatient rehabilitation and functional status at discharge among older patients 1-gen-2014 Morandi, A; Girard, Td; Shintani, A; Turco, R; Guerini, F; Torpilliesi, T; Gentile, S; Trabucchi, M; Bellelli, G.
Bringing to light the Risk Factors And Incidence of Neuropsychological dysfunction in ICU survivors (BRAIN-ICU) study investigators. Depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and functional disability in survivors of critical illness in the BRAIN-ICU study: a longitudinal cohort study. 1-gen-2014 Jackson, Jc; Pandharipande, Pp; Girard, Td; Brummel, Ne; Thompson, Jl; Hughes, Cg; Pun, Bt; Vasilevskis, Ee; Morandi, A; Shintani, Ak; Hopkins, Ro; Bernard, Gr; Dittus, Rs; Ely, Ew
C-reactive protein and delirium in acute ill elderly patients. 1-gen-2007 Morandi, A; Sleiman, I; Rozzini, R; Trabucchi, M.
Clinical Features Associated with Delirium Motor Subtypes in Older Inpatients: Results of a Multicenter Study 1-gen-2017 Morandi, A; Di Santo, Sg; Cherubini, A; Mossello, E; Meagher, D; Mazzone, A; Bianchetti, A; Ferrara, N; Ferrari, A; Musicco, M; Trabucchi, M; Bellelli, G
Concordance between DSM-IV and DSM-5 criteria for delirium diagnosis in a pooled database of 768 prospectively evaluated patients using the delirium rating scale-revised-98 1-gen-2014 Meagher, Dj; Morandi, A; Inouye, Sk; Ely, W; Adamis, D; Maclullich, Aj; Rudolph, Jl; Neufeld, K; Leonard, M; Bellelli, G; Davis, D; Teodorczuk, A; Kreisel, S; Thomas, C; Hasemann, W; Timmons, S; O'Regan, N; Grover, S; Jabbar, F; Cullen, W; Dunne, C; Kamholz, B; Van Munster, Bc; De Rooij, Se; De Jonghe, J; Trzepacz, Pt.
Consensus and Variations in Opinions on Delirium Care: a Survey of European Delirium Specialists 1-gen-2013 Morandi, A; Davis, D; Taylor, J. K.; Bellelli, G; Olofsson, B; Kreisel, S; Teodorczuk, A; Kamholz, B; Hasemann, W; Young, J; Agar, M; de Rooij, S. E.; Meagher, D; Trabucchi, M; Maclullich, A. M.
Delirium in the nursing home emergency department patient. 1-gen-2009 Han, Jh; Morandi, A; Zhou, C; Callison, C; Ely, E. W.; Storrow, A. B.; Dittus, Rs; Habermann, R; Schnelle, J.
Delirium among critically ill adults: Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Italian 'Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit. 1-gen-2014 Gaspardo, P; Peressoni, L; Comisso, I; Mistraletti, G; Ely, Ew; Morandi, A
Delirium and Clusters of Older Patients Affected by Multimorbidity in Acute Hospitals 1-gen-2021 Monacelli, F.; Signori, A.; Marengoni, A.; Di Santo, S.; Rossi, E.; Valsecchi, M. G.; Morandi, A.; Bellelli, G.
Delirium and frailty in older adults: Clinical overlap and biological underpinnings 1-gen-2024 Bellelli, Giuseppe; Triolo, Federico; Ferrara, Maria Cristina; Deiner, Stacie G; Morandi, Alessandro; Cesari, Matteo; Davis, Daniel; Marengoni, Alessandra; Inzitari, Marco; Watne, Leiv Otto; Rockwood, Kenneth; Vetrano, Davide Liborio
Delirium in Nursing Home Residents across Care Transitions: A preliminary Report 1-gen-2009 Morandi, A; Han, Jh; Callison, C; Ely, E. W.; Schnelle, J.